Your partner for innovative investment solutions

Solid Invest

The key to a superior long-term performance is a disciplined approach to asset allocation and investment

Your partner for innovative investment solutions

We believe that a disciplined approach to asset allocation and investment is the key to superior long-term performance. Furthermore, this discipline applies to investment manager selection and the ongoing assessment of manager performance over time.

Enduring relationships are ultimately built upon client satisfaction – borne of compelling investment advice and consistent performance.

We are committed to providing an exceptional level of personal service.

This is achieved by developing relationships that emphasize collaboration, objective analysis and customized solutions, recognizing that the needs of each client are unique.

Privacy and discretion, needless to say, are paramount….



Based in London in the UK, we are an intelligence connector and a multiple solutions provider. The combined skills of our team represent decades of experience in banks and financial services, encompassing a wide range of asset classes. Benefiting from our vast network, we have expertise in structuring financial solutions and adapting them to qualified investors.

Our unique approach to client relationships is based on transparency, innovation and a strong commitment to delivering added value services.

With SOLIDINVEST LTD, what our clients get is always what they really need.

Our clients have their own very specific consideration and objectives, we offer them a choice within our focused range of services.

Clients can create the right combination from our services for their investment needs, selected from the best in-class experts in the market.

Adaptation and innovation are key values for SOLIDINVEST LTD.

Being flexible by nature and size, we nevertheless strongly believe in the virtue of patience, understanding structural developments and long cycles.

Keeping a long-term perspective in our client relationships, we carefully select promising niche markets and adapt our personal solutions to the current trends and perspectives.

Keeping a long-term perspective in our client relationships, we carefully select promising niche markets and adapt our personal solutions to the current trends and perspectives.

Our Credo

“I will tell you the secret to getting rich on Wall Street. You try to be greedy when others are fearful. And you try to be fearful when others are greedy.”
Warren Buffett